(Photo by hometrek.org)
Who is Eligible?
First-time home buyers whose income falls below the threshold are eligible for up to $7,500 to use toward the purchase of a home and up to $9,500 in target neighborhoods.
The buyer must not have purchased or owned a home during the past three years.
Existing residential property must be decent, safe, and sanitary.
Single-family or condominium homes only.
Homebuyers must make a minimum $500 contribution, which includes payment of a required home inspection.
Homeownership counseling must be received as the first step in the process from a HUD-approved agency.
Home At Last application submitted by a participating lender with assistance provided as a grant at closing on the home purchase.
Visual paint inspection by a licensed lead risk assessor will be provided by the City.
Property must be located within the City of Toledo corporation limits.
Program Overview
Complete housing counseling. Make sure you're ready for home ownership.
Contact a lender. Participating lenders listed below.
Get pre-approval for a fixed-rate mortgage. Must be from participating lender.
Complete homeownership counseling. Participating agencies listed below.
Find a house and get an accepted purchase agreement. Based on your pre-approval.
Have the property inspected by the City. To schedule inspection or for any other questions, please contact Ebenezer Osei-Kwame at Ebenezer.Osei-Kwame@toledo.oh.gov or at 419-245-1416.
Complete application. Work with your lender to submit to the City of Toledo.
Monitor transaction with your lender. Money will be available at the title company once processed.
There are income requirements, and you must use a lender from a list provided by the City of Toledo, but you can receive anywhere from $7,500 to $9,500 in down payment assistance.
To learn more, log on to City of Toledo | Down Payment Assistance (oh.gov)